Post by SAUL HELSTRY on May 22, 2011 14:34:13 GMT -5
Name: Saul Helstry
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Military
Hometown: Olivine, Johto
Personality: Born stubborn the last place anyone would have expected Saul to end up was the military. Bold, sly, opportunistic, traits best suited for a life of piracy. While he is a clever person, his advancement has come through use of cunning and wit. One thing to watch out for is his temper to which the fuse is short. If pushed to the edge, which is by no means hard, he often resorts to excessive use of force. As aggressive and rash as he was, Saul still had traits making him fit for the military.
Perhaps his most admirable trait is his sense of loyalty and compliance with those he respects. Once he has his eyes set on something he generally tends to accomplish the feat through will and determination. The lengths he'll go to finish something can sometimes come back to haunt him. Although he may have initially lacked it, he has developed a higher sense of morality and a better understanding of respect and honor during his time in the military.
Face Claim:
[b]Full Metal Alchemist[/b] - Roy Mustang - [i]SAUL HELSTRY[/i]
Karth Helstry- Father, Age Unknown, Pirate/ Smuggler, Deceased
Celine Helstry- Mother, Age Unknown, Deceased
History: Saul was born in the port town of Olivine, the tip of the Johto Triangle. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy merchant and father who would visit under the guise of a merchant whose specialty was household spices. The truth, however, was that he was a pirate in a crew rather infamous at the time. Gaining the trust of the old merchant he eventually robbed his daughter's hand in marriage. Shortly after the marriage her father's ship was raided and him killed on a business trip to Goldenrod. It was uncommon for such an attack to occur so deep within the generally well guarded Triangle, but nobody put much thought into it. Karth inherited everything.
Karth took the once respectable trading brand his father-in-law had established and turned it into a front for smuggling. He continued doing this for several years until his son, Saul, was born. Whether it's because he finally satisfied his greed or wanted a better life for his son is unclear, but Karth cut all his ties and got out of the shady business. However in doing so he upset people who didn't take well to disappointment. Remaining in Olivine for several more years Karth was able to avoid detection until he and his wife went on a cruise for their anniversary.
When the ship was found, hundreds of miles off path, nobody was found on board. Those who thought they had been wronged saw to it that their losses were made up for, and some. Saul, who had been left behind, was only six at the time. He was left with nothing but a miserly inheritance and a head full of adventure and grandeur. Unable to accept the situation in its entirety Saul had trouble understanding that his parents were gone.
To make matters worse he was adopted by a rich politician who saw him as an opportunity to raise his image to the public. As a result he spent much of his time alone when not being paraded to the public. It was during one of his isolated walks around the estate that he met his best friend and companion. Little more than slaves, Saul's new guardian kept a variety of Pokemon around for the upkeep of the large residence. One night as he strolled through the garden he heard a commotion and caught sight of a small group of Pokemon that were circled up. Cautiously approaching the small group he spotted a tiny Pokemon curled up in the middle, receiving fierce blows from the others.
Infuriated Saul waved his arms wildly and yelled at the top of his lungs, but to no avail. Turning red as they stared at him like an idiot, Saul picked up a stick from the ground and swung it with warning in their general direction. Stepping forward a cubone looked at the boy with an amused grin. Winding its arm back the cubone exerted all possible force as it released the bone it held in the kid's direction.
Dropping the stick and diving to the left Saul narrowly avoided being clubbed. Picking a rock up off the floor he hurled it at the Pokemon. The cubone ducked, easily avoiding the rock. Particularly amused at this feeble attempt Cubone rose his head back and howled in laughter. Temporarily forgetting about the club he'd thrown he was soon reminded as it smashed into his head, knocking him cold. Discouraged the rest of the Pokemon fled.
Knowing well he couldn't leave the injured Pokemon to current and future suffering he scooped up the small weasel Pokemon. Taking the buizel back with him he got into an argument with his guardian about what to do with the creature. Unwilling to change his stance on the situation Saul threatened to stain his image to the public by revealing some of his more unadmirable traits. While Saul won in the short term his guardian would hold a grudge and personally saw to it that Saul's life became anything but pleasant. Being treated no better than the Pokemon that were kept as slaves became too much to handle so he and the buizel took off.
After saving the buizel the two had become inseparable despite glaring contrasts in personality. The buizel was full of life and unable to sit still for a second. Saul, on the other hand, kept a serious demeanor about him and was rarely as jubilant as his partner. He was much more solemn then a thirteen year old should be but the prospect of adventure before him did some to raise his spirits. He had decided that the best life for him and his buizel, whom he had come to call Siike, was to follow in his father's wake as a pirate.
It wasn't hard to find a crew willing to take one on, especially one so willing and naive. Maybe had he another companion things would have turned differently, but Saul became the constant target of ridicule because of Siike. Most pirates stood with menacing Pokemon that looked as rough as they did but there Saul sat with one of the least intimidating Pokemon possible. Siike's playful manner helped none and the two became viewed as a joke despite Saul's effort to gain respect. When joke began turned to insult, especially against Siike, he lost his temper and often got into conflict with crew members. Once someone began to harass Siike a brawl generally commenced and ended with Saul being beat into the deck by multiple members.
When the Captain of the ship came to Saul with a special assignment next time they docked he jumped at the chance to finally establish himself. Apparently some men had been previously jailed and it was up to him and Siike to save them. Despite his disposition and stature what Siike lacks in strength he more than makes up for speed. Together the two were able to deal with the guards outside and quickly found their way in. To their surprise, however, all they walked into was a room full of guards and empty cells. The two were arrested and made sole occupants.
With Siike being his only companion for so long Saul was more than willing to open up to the leading officer when questioned. After a lengthy conversation the two were released and determined not to go back to piracy. Instead they enlisted in the military. At the time Saul was only fourteen. Since then they've learned the ropes and served the Johto Military.
The will and determination Saul expressed here was rewarded far more than any previous encounter as he progressed through the ranks at an astonishing rate for his youth. Relentlessly the boy and his Pokemon have trained over a period of years to advance in their profession. Feeling some vague sense of connection with the innocent victims out there Saul has altruistic ideas of the military and of how they should protect and serve.
Buizel - Swift Swim - Male - Water
Favorite Moves: Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Whirlpool, Razor Wind, Headbutt
Siike is a warm, cheerful Pokemon that only likes getting violent as a last resort. Sometimes his playful manner can get him into mischief but he generally has the wit to get out of it. Although he isn't a physical force his speed and agility make him a formidable opponent when he isn't at a terrible disadvantage. Around his left wrist the buizel wears a bracelet with a gold coin that Saul gave him attached. Siike's incredibly loyal to Saul and will go to extremes to please him.
Chat Name: Flick
Roleplaying Experience: Around 6 years.
Other Characters: Not yet
Region: Johto
Rank: Captain
Reason For Joining:"I joined the military to protect the innocent and usher in a new era of peace. Pirates are a dying breed and that's a bill I fully intend to push."